I saw my first Baltimore Oriole today. They are very pretty birds, although my picture is not the sharpest. Ron made me an oriole feeder from these plans. I hung it yesterday and am hoping we'll soon have our own orange & black visitors.
I went on my first "official" bird watching outing yesterday. I am not very good at finding the birds, and when I do find them, I can only recognize a handful, but it is still a lot of fun. I didn't know ahead of time, but the place I went is home to a great horned owl. There were two great horned owl "babies" that were quite visible.
I spent some time this morning watching the birds at a freshly filled feeder at a local metropark. I saw lots of red-wing blackbirds, several brown-headed cowbirds, a pair of goldfinches, cardinals, bluejays, eastern bluebirds, and a red bellied woodpecker. I also saw a tufted titmouse for the first time. It was a cute little bird.
I also revisited the park from my previous post and saw several pairs of tree swallows. The mommy killeer was still sitting on her nest.