Monday, September 27, 2010

At My Feeder

I was watching the sparrows and mourning doves at my backyard feeders for awhile this afternoon. I left the window for a few minutes, and when I returned, all the birds were suddenly gone. A few minutes later, this juvenile cooper's hawk landed just a few feet away from the feeders. Thankfully he didn't find any food at my feeders and moved on. I managed to get a couple pictures through the window before he flew off.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

At the Park

Here are some pictures from my last couple birding outings.

Eastern phoebe

Eastern wood pewee

Don't know what this bird is yet

2 male common flickers, facing off over the female

On another note, I'm pretty sure all our ruby-throated hummingbirds have migrated. I haven't seen one since 9/20. I'm leaving my feeder out, though, to see if I can attract any migrants that may be passing through. Will be sure to post if I have any!